Sunday, January 28, 2007

Castlewood Canyon

While it is not the Grand Canyon of Arizona, or even Palo Duro Canyon of the Texas Panhandle, just a few miles south of Franktown, Colorado lies Castlewood Canyon State Park. This canyon is adjacent to Colorado Highway 83, and has quite a bit of scenic beauty in its own right. Highway 83 is a main artery between Denver and Colorado Springs. It runs parallel to, and to the east of Interstate Highway 25 by several miles. From Parker to the north side of Colorado Springs it is a 2-lane highway.

Currently the entire area remains under a blanket of snow, so let's go back to last April. Here is a picture I took there of a scraggly-looking pine growing out of the rocky ground. I particularly like the clouds in the sky in this shot, with their wispy appearance.

Below are a couple of other trees in the park that have seen better days. Still, they provide nice photos. As usual, you may click on these pictures for a larger version.

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