Tuesday, December 25, 2007

It's Not Always Easy Being a Dog

Please Dad...let me back in now!

Molly has a pretty good life. Easy living, all necessities provided, along with lots of love. Still, how would you like to have to go out in the snow to pee? Poor baby!

That sad little face has to be warmed up!

Ah, now that feels better, and my toy thinks so too!

Colorado Christmas Morning

White Christmas arrives in Colorado

So, the weatherman predicted light, intermittent snow showers. Well, I said earlier that I washed the car yesterday, so guess what? Yep, lots and lots of snow coming down since last night. It has been coming down nonstop. They say the odds are against snow on Christmas day, but we got it today. The only bad thing about it is I have to go out and buy some ice for the Christmas fiesta. ICE! With all this snow! Seems odd buying ice when the weather is like this.